This happened a couple of years ago, but I was just reminded of it again recently (and it didn't receive the attention it deserves). The story of the Guiding Hand Social Club and the Valentine Operative offers one scenario of...
Posted by Jamais Cascio on June 24, 2008 3:59 PM
Nice little future you got there. Hate to see something bad happen to it. The blending of the physical and immersive digital worlds -- the metaverse -- inevitably produces bizarre results. I've noted (and we've started to see examples of)...
Posted by Jamais Cascio on June 23, 2008 2:47 PM
My talk at the Stanford Metaverse Meetup on November 27 is now available as a video. Streaming Flash. Downloadable Quicktime (warning: big, big file) The whole thing runs for nearly 90 minutes, including both the talk and the Q&A (there's...
Posted by Jamais Cascio on December 11, 2007 10:31 AM
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