
Entries tagged with: Events

9 result(s) displayed (1 - 9 of 9):

The Future, in San Francisco

On Monday, June 18, I will be speaking at the Bay Area Art & Science Interdisciplinary Collaborative Sessions (BAASICS) multimedia event in the city of San Francisco. It's open to the public, but seating is limited. More info here....

My Talk at Lift10 : Wired for Tomorrow

Watch live streaming video from liftconference at (My original title was "Wired for Anticipation," hence the video title.) Video quality is iffy, and the audio isn't sync'd well, so be warned....

What I've Been Up To Recently...

Talks My talk at UC Santa Cruz went well. Video may be available at some point. My talk at Social Business Edge went very well -- I'll have video as soon as it's available. 2010-04-19 21:35:15: @cascio just said like...

Lift '010

Just as a heads-up to anyone planning on being in Geneva (or in a nearby European location) in early May: I'll be speaking at the 2010 Lift conference. The theme is "What can the Future do for you?" Generations...

Be Biopolitical At Home

IEET has announced that Friday's Biopolitics of Popular Culture Seminar (referenced here and here) will be live-streamed for those folks unable to attend in person. Those unable to attend the event in person will be able to follow along in...

Biopolitics of Pop Culture -- Updated

Lots of new speakers joining the Biopolitics of Popular Culture event on December 4. Here's the latest info: Biopolitics of Popular Culture Seminar Friday, December 4, 2009 EON Reality, Irvine, CA, USA This is your chance to learn firsthand from...

Biopolitics of Pop Culture

Join me and a pretty nifty selection of speakers on December 4 at the Biopolitics of Popular Culture event in HOLLYW--er, IRVINE, California. Popular culture is full of tropes and cliches that shape our debates about emerging technologies. Our most...

"Singularity Salon" Talk

Here's my slide deck from my talk at last night's New York Futures Salon. This is the raw Slideshare conversion, so a few of the transitions end up as blank slides (and you lose all of the nifty Keynote effects)....

Global Catastrophic Risks - Now With More Doom!

The program for the Global Catastrophic Risks event, November 14 at the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, California, has been doubled: Now you have 13 people (now only almost all middle-aged white guys) eager to describe in great...

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