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Biopolitics of Pop Culture -- Updated

sw55.gifLots of new speakers joining the Biopolitics of Popular Culture event on December 4. Here's the latest info:

Biopolitics of Popular Culture Seminar
Friday, December 4, 2009
EON Reality, Irvine, CA, USA

This is your chance to learn firsthand from artists, writers, filmmakers, and culture critics whose work plays an important part in shaping our modern society.

Come and explore with us the biopolitics that are implicit in depictions of emerging technology in literature, film and television. Take notes, ask questions, watch video clips, and have your say in the discussion.

Speakers include:

  • David Brin
  • Jamais Cascio
  • Brian Cross
  • RJ Eskow
  • James Hughes
  • Richard Kadrey
  • Michael LaTorra
  • Alex Lightman
  • PJ Manney
  • Michael Massuci
  • Edward Miller
  • Jess Nevins
  • Annalee Newitz
  • Jeannie Novak
  • Matthew Patrick
  • Kristi Scott
  • Mike Treder
  • Natasha Vita-More

    Be sure to register BEFORE November 15th and save 33% -- just $99, which includes continental breakfast and lunch. After November 15 or at the door it's $150. Get all the information at this page and mark the date on your calendar now.

  • I'm happy about this mix of people for a few reasons. The first is that it's not just the same "usual suspects" -- there are folks from a fairly wide array of fields with something to say on the subject. The second is that, atypical for a futures-focused event, the proportion of women on the speaker list is fairly high -- just under a third.

    The agenda for the event should be posted soon. I've seen a draft, and it looks like it's truly going to rock. Hope to see you there!

    (Image from Diesel Sweeties, by Richard Stevens, which you had better be reading daily.)

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