
Entries tagged with: Twitter

13 result(s) displayed (1 - 13 of 13):

Crime and Punishment

Co.Exist has put up a short video from my discussion at their recent Innovation Uncensored event in NYC. In this video, I talk about why thinking about misuses of technologies is a good way of discovering the unexpected implications of...

Getting It (Almost) Right

Ask any reputable modern futurist to make a prediction, and you'll nearly always get the same general reply: futurists don't make predictions, we talk about scenarios, implications, and forecasts -- structured narratives about future possibilities that make clear the uncertainty...


What's the hashtag for terror? For propaganda? I've been talking about the role of social media as a possible enabler of political violence for years. In my June 2009 talk at Mobile Monday in Amsterdam, I argued that Twitter and...

Future is Now, Part 58

It's always a bit unsettling when reality has the temerity to confirm a speculative scenario. It's rarely a 100% match; more typically, it's a parallel event that reinforces the underlying logic of said forecast. Better still, this one, as it...

Lies, Damn Lies, and Twitter Bots

Bear with me -- this is going to get twisted. I've been paying quite a bit of attention to the use of deception as a tactical method, from real-world griefing to deception as a means of protecting privacy. I'm particularly...

The Future is a Virus (my Swedish Twitter University "talk")

Not literally, of course. But if we think about the future as something that infects us, we gain a new perspective on our world. Human civilization has a weak immune system when it comes to futures. We can sometimes recognize...

Swedish Twitter University

On Monday, December 12, I'll be doing a session of Swedish Twitter University. #STU06 - Jamais Cascio: “The Foresight Immune System” If accurate predictions are impossible — and they are — why should we think about the future? In 25...

Soylent Twitter talk

My talk from Social Business Edge is embedded below (Flash required). About a minute of set-up, but then I get going. No slides. Some nice phrases pop up here: "continuous partial attention means continuous partial empathy" is probably my favorite....

Resilience Fail (updated)

Quick question: where does this URL go to? How about this one? Would you have guessed that the first goes to a Computerworld article about business-appropriate avatars, and the second goes to the previous post on Open the...

New FC: #cleanse

My new Fast Company article went live this morning, "The Dark Side of Twittering a Revolution." It looks at some of the less-savory implications of the heroic use of Twitter in Iran. Consider, for a moment, what we're seeing happening...

Technology as Political Catalyst

It's become almost a cliché to observe that the Internet is changing the face of electoral politics at the national scale. The use of the web for fundraising (and to observe fundraising) is an obvious example, but for me a...


So on the suggestion of Stowe Boyd, I've gone ahead and signed up for Twitter. I've added a small module on the right bar here showing my most recent Twitter post. I haven't been hooked up to anyone's network yet,...

Augmented Fluid Intelligence

Can we survive the multitasking era? Okay, multitasking is hardly up there with global warming, pandemic disease and asteroid strikes as a civilization threat, but it's becoming increasingly clear that multitasking reduces overall effectiveness and accuracy. Yet we're forced to...

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