
Entries tagged with: Sousveillance

3 result(s) displayed (1 - 3 of 3):

Monday Topsight, December 10, 2007

Let's see what's bubbled up through the Intertubes recently... • Oh, No: In their never-ending quest to make ordinary citizens rise up and destroy capitalism, the advertising community has discovered a new place to put hard-to-ignore ads: in your skull....

Monday Topsight, September 17, 2007

Back in the US now, at least for the next two weeks -- then off to Budapest, to speak at a conference entitled "Visions of the Future. Technology and Society: Global and Local Challenges." Trying to get back into the...

Co-opting the Participatory Panopticon?

Is it still "sousveillance" -- watching from below -- if it's going straight to The Man? The city of New York, in a rather clever move, has decided to equip its 911 (emergency) and 311 (non-emergency) call centers with the...

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