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Green Tomorrows: the Web Seminar

sunset.jpgOn December 20th, I'll be conducting something of an experiment.

In coordination with Natural Logic, I'll be leading an hour-long "webinar"* on four different scenarios of how we may respond to global warming, and build a sustainable future. Here's the link, and the relevant info:

Join futurist Jamais Cascio for a stimulating exploration of how the sustainability revolution will transform our politics, our economics, and our lives.

The process of building a sustainable future follows diverse paths, and the choices we embrace today will shape the future we encounter over the next 20 years. By adopting a scenario planning approach, Cascio will look at what kinds of results we might get, and what kinds of opportunities and surprises those results could have in store.

This webinar is part of the ongoing Carbon Neutral Learning™ program from Natural Logic, bring you engaging, practical, up-to-date guidance from leading practitioners. Series host: Gil Friend, Natural Logic CEO.

Date: Thursday December 20
Time: 1:00 pm ET (10:00am CT, 11:00am MT, 10:00am PT)
Length: 60 minutes
Price: $129

Oh, that. This is why it's an experiment. Gil Friend and Natural Logic have done webinars* on sustainability topics in the past, and they've worked well both as a way of providing information and as a business opportunity. I'm curious about how well the model would work for me.

Please pass along the info about this event to people and organizations you think might find this of value.

(*I really, really hate this term, but it now seems to be the accepted/required jargon. Ugh.)


Sorry about the jargon, Jamais; it's what we've inherited from current web culture. Since we plan to be doing _lots_ more of these in the future, I'd love your (or your readers') suggested of better monikers -- that are informative and recognizable, as well as clever.

PS: Shorter link (Joomla's being funny) to info and registration: http://www.natlogic.com/webinars



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