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Metaverse Meetup

I'll be speaking next week at the second "Metaverse Meetup," on the subject of the Metaverse Roadmap Overview.

When: Thursday, November 29th 2007 from 6pm to 7:30pm

Where: Wallenberg Hall, Stanford University (mapped).

The event is free -- come on by and say hi!

(Edit: Date Fixed)


I hope that the speech is going to be recorded and made available later.

It would be somewhat ironic if it were only accessible for people physically there! :)

Attendee list anywhere?

I believe it will be simulcast in Second Life, and a video made available online at a later time.

Check the Stanford Humanities Lab website for more info:


Thanks, Scott -- you posted this comment just as I was posting the more detailed information.

As I'm not anywhere near the West Coast atm, the SL simulcast will do nicely.


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