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Heading Home Soon

Looking forward to seeing the kitties and sleeping in my own bed.

The meeting went very well; I'll have posts on it at some point soon. This week looks to be amazingly busy, though. As does the next. In fact, let's just call April done.

Outside of work, I saw some friends I hadn't seen in quite a while, picked up Ken Macleod's newest book (The Execution Channel, which won't be out in the US until June), and unintentionally gained a better understanding of my physiology (and that's all I'll say about that).

Most importantly, I had Janice along with me for our 15 year wedding anniversary.


Mike looks good.

Happy Anniversary guys!

It was great to see you guys, and great to meet Mike. Sorry about the whole testing the liver to destruction thing. It's a bad habit. I'll work on it.

Love you guys.


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