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Davos Blog

Davos Newbies reports that the 2006 World Economic Forum planners have asked all attendees to participate in a group blog for the event; the WEF's current (and rather quiet) weblog at forumblog.org will be the focal point.

The World Economic Forum was the first international organization to set up a blog at the Annual Meeting in January 2005 and the upcoming Annual Meeting will see a significant development in the experiment. All of the more than 2,000 participants, including presidents and prime ministers, will be asked to provide at least one posting for the blog.

As DN's Lance Knobel notes, it would be even better if the participants were asked to have their own individual blogs for the duration, but this is a pretty good start.

Comments (1)

Trying to get every participant to blog about WEF - quality & security

Great, but so far the WEF forum has little if anything on itÂ…. much hoopla about little it seems

I hope they will tell as a few things about what is happening at the formal and more informal sessions. But I hate to hear again that some hackers succeeded in cracking some more RIM Blackberry devices or that the wireless system at the WEF was not up to snuff once again.

CASEScontact.org has a story about this, its a paradoy about Paris Hilton and the 2006 WEF (in English and Deutsch) but the free tools that Paris suggests regarding data recovery are great. Just in case participants delete their favorite snapshots from the WEF Davos, check this out:

-- Datenrettung und Daten Wiederherstellung - Teil I - 'That's Hot' Empfehlungen von Paris Hilton zum Weltwirschaftsforum Davos,

-- Data Recovery 101 - PART I - 'That's hot!' - Paris Hiltons recommendations from the World Economic Forum Davos - Risk Workshop

PS. In case you access the wireless network at the WEF Davos, maybe use this tool to avoid becoming an attack victim

-- Free Security Tool - CyTRAP lab's Choice - improving your wireless security at the WEF Davos - beyond WEP and WPA


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