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Asia's Biggest Solar Power Plant, in India

Indian newspaper The Hindu reports today that construction of a five megawatt solar power facility, claimed to be the largest in Asia, is set to begin in the Rashtrapati Bhavan, the residence of the President of India. Most solar power generation in India is currently in the kilowatt or smaller range, providing local and community power in off-grid areas. Programs like the Barefoot Solar Engineers have helped to expand the use of off-grid solar in India. The five megawatt project will be part of an ongoing attempt to increase the use of renewable sources for grid electricity.


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» New Energy Currents: 2006-02-02 from Winds of Change.NET
There's been a slight uptick in chatter about energy issues in the US since the President announced his Advanced Energy Initiative in the State of the Union the other night. Of course, if you've been... [Read More]


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