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Microgrids as Peer-to-Peer Energy (Welcome, BBC Readers)

The BBC News website has an excellent piece up today about the utility of local distributed power networks, or "microgrids," as a tool for increasing energy efficiency and the adoption of alternative energy technologies. The article covers the key points, and is an excellent primer for understanding how such a system could function and why we'd want to build it. It's also excellent because WorldChanging is linked -- twice -- in their related resources list.

A quick note for new readers: we haven't used the term "microgrid" much here; we more often refer to "distributed power" and "smart grids." Search on those terms, for the full set of articles we've written. Some of the more useful pieces include:

  • How To Do Decentralized Energy
  • Urban Sustainability, Megacity Leapfrogging
  • Making the Meters Smarter
  • Smart Energy Grids

  • About

    This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2005 11:26 AM.

    The previous post in this blog was Virtual Plague.

    The next post in this blog is The Shifting Conventional Wisdom.

    Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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