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Smart Mobs for Nature Security

We've talked a bit here about the use of camera phones and phone-mounted sensors as a "green panopticon," with individuals empowered to watch for and report violations of environmental laws. We've also been great proponents of the use of distributed sensors as ways of monitoring and better understanding the natural environment. But the Gristmill writer known as "biodiversivist" has managed to combine the two concepts in an intriguing way -- with distributed sensors pinging the mobile phones of forest rangers and the like, alerting them to potential incursions of poachers.

I like the idea; it fits nicely with other models we've talked about, and has a clear benefit. I would take it a bit further, though, with both webcasting of the sensor/camera results (as with the Cumbria Osprey cam the Gristmill post links to) and widespread distribution of sensor images of poachers to add a public pressure element to the criminal prosecution.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on August 3, 2005 6:51 PM.

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