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Eco-Design and Future Cities

The BBC continues its reports on the ongoing TED Global conference in Oxford. Its latest piece is on the combined presentations of Robert Neurwirth (Shadow Cities), Stefano Boeri (editor of Domus) and William McDonough (Cradle to Cradle). This was clearly one of the TED Global presentations I would love to see in full: Neuwirth talking about the growth of squatter cities in the shadows of global metropolis; Boeri on the intersection of the virtual and the real as means of understanding globalization; and McDonough discussing his Next City model and its imminent implementation in China. The BBC piece is an all-too-brief summary of their ideas.

In addition, Alex spoke this morning -- he tells me it went well -- and we will link to any news or recordings of his presentation when they emerge. Let's hope the BBC is sharp enough to pick up on his talk, too.

Comments (4)


I must absolutely link you up with the brilliant exhibition about "Kinshasa, the invisible city", which won the Venice Bienale for architecture.
It turns all our notions of urbanisation upside down. And it presents an entirely idiosyncratic model of modernity and the future of third world mega-cities.
The essay by anthropologist Filip De Boeck makes an excellent read, and it would be a mirror for the presentations of Neurwirth, Boeri and McDonough.

Check it out:

:: A short presentation of the exhibition at Venice:

:: The magnificent book: Kinshasa. Tales of the Invisible City.

:: And if you happen to be visit Brussels, the expo is now there until september:


Hi there - Jo Twist here who wrote some of the BBC News reports.

Many stories we write about such powerful ideas unfortunately have to be brief summaries because of editorial contraints. We also have to cater for the full spectrum of knowledge that our audience represents.

I spoke with Alex at the conference and am planning a piece with him, and with Dawn Danby, so look out for that soon.


Understandable, Jo.

I do hope you get a chance to do a piece on the presentations and ideas from Alex and Dawn. And maybe even what we talk about here on the WorldChanging site!


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