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Sierra Club on Green Innovators

Not only does Ally #1 have a lengthy article in the latest Sierra Club magazine, but the issue covers a group of innovators undertaking some very WorldChanging projects, including: the guy who developed the infrared-sensitive, quantum-dot based plastic solar cells; an Australian company using biomimetic design to improve industrial efficiency; and a profile of Natalie Jeremijenko (whom Emily interviewed for us last year), for example, updates us on some of her latest environmental technology ideas:

...creations include a particulate-sensing "Clear Skies" mask bicyclists can wear to find out what's in the air they breathe, a virtual tree that can be grown on a computer desktop (its rate of growth is determined by a CO2 meter plugged into the computer's serial port), and a "printer queue virus" that counts the number of pages consumed by a printer and spews out a cross section of a tree stump when it's used up a tree's worth.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 15, 2005 2:47 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Off-The-Shelf DNA Tagging.

The next post in this blog is Bottom-Up Environmental Revolution -- in China.

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