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Brazil and Open Source

Hey -- did you know that Brazil had become the world's biggest advocate of free/open source software for developing countries? If you've read WorldChanging over the last couple of years, there's no way you could have missed it. But if you need to get up to speed on Brazil's adoption of Linux and the free software philosophy, the BBC has a useful article. It hits all the key points, and does so relatively clearly.

Government support? Check. Global Organization for Free Software? Check. Favelas? Check. Lula vs. Bill? Check.

No surprises in store for those who have been following this story, but a nice summation of how things stand now. A good one to pass along to your friends and families...

Comments (4)

Actually, Brazil seems like they are the largest because everyone is talking about them right now - right after FISL, and right after the World Social Forum, all the people who right stuff on the internet are talking about where they were.

Plenty of things are happening around the world. Brazil just has the focus because everyone is giving it to them. Nobody's talking too awful much about Venezuala, either. Or the entire Latin American region doing a Linux Installfest in over 111 locations 2 months ago.

I'd echo Taran's comments. India and China, just for sheer number of users, are very significant for open source.


Hey, don't forget that all the machines of the Brazilian government had installed Windows and now that number is being reduced.
It is not just treated of an install fast, but of a windows migration for linux, something that inconveniences some private companies, and a lot.


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