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Postindustrial Design

While keeping in mind the admonition that referring to oneself as "post-" anything is inherently constraining, the notion of "postindustrial design" has a definite ring to it. But what exactly does the term mean? HyperWerk FHBB, a department of the University of Applied Sciences in Basel, Switzerland, is sponsoring a competition to find out.

We are looking for your interpretation of Postindustrial Design: "What does a Postindustrial Designer do?"The task is to express your thoughts and ideas on this subject on a front of a postcard. Three works will be awarded. The first prize will be printed on a postcard and distributed throughout Switzerland.

The competition began May 16, and runs through June 12. Judging will be completed by June 19. Time to get out your Sharpies and/or Wacom pads!

Comments (2)

Patrick Di Justo:

A postindustrial designer = fabber

A postindustrial designer accepts an absolute limit on the material and energy available to humanity, then works to make what's available better.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 21, 2005 12:05 PM.

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