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Wireless DNA Sensor

Technology Review has a short article on a new DNA chip that adds a tiny wireless transmitter, making it possible to conduct and report on tests from within a sample.

Since this kind of chip can transmit data from inside a sealed container, samples tested with it are less likely to be contaminated by researchers or the environment, and samples containing pathogens are less likely to infect workers. Assuming patient samples can be prepared easily for chip analysis, the chip could also make it easier to detect DNA variations in settings less controlled than a research lab. Though the research is still in its initial phases, Hitachi expects that the chips could be used in clinics or small hospitals to help doctors decide which drugs to prescribe for patients.

Some quick searching didn't dig up any more information; anyone have a better link?

As the cost of biological sensors drops, and the ease-of-use increases, expect to see expanded use of on-site/real-time testing of health, consumer products and the environment. This isn't necessarily all for the better: some of this testing will have a "make the invisible visible" quality, but much of it will have the effect of "feeding consumer fears."


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