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So you want to build yourself a nice green sustainable home. Can you get the money to do it? Turns out that banks are often less than enthusiastic about making loans for non-traditional homes -- and, sadly, sustainable design can be considered such. If you're in the UK, you're in luck: the Ecology Building Society is a lending institution which specifically underwrites mortgages for "properties which given an ecological payback." According to their site, they focus on:

  • energy efficient housing
  • ecological renovation
  • derelict and dilapidated properties
  • small-scale and ecological enterprise
  • low-impact lifestyles

    Anybody know of similar lending institutions in other countries?

    (Via Treehugger)

  • Comments (2)


    What about Energy Efficiency Mortgages in the US? Here in Colorado we have a non-profit organization which inspects homes and gives them an energy rating. Based on the rating of the home and/or the expected benefits of energy efficient upgrades, part of the loan can be financed at 100% (I believe). There's more here:

    and here:

    I make my living designing "green" buildings. Our clients rarely have problems with mortgage approval. We stick to local banks that know local conditions. We can show a positive cash balance for our buildings versus business-as-usual. What we do is simple enough to be understood by an average 11 year old. So I'm not sure that the premise holds water.

    In the early 80's, I was able to convince several small banks in my area to offer a lower mortgage rate to energy-efficient homes, because someone with lower fuel bills is more likely to meet the mortgage payments - they're lower risk. That was great, until the banks were swallowed by conglomerates. But the idea is returning now - good thing.


    This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 30, 2005 4:26 PM.

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    The next post in this blog is Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Scenarios.

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