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Upcoming Conferences

Mark your calendars now. Here's a selection of 2005 events of interest to WorldChangers, courtesy WBCSD, happening all over the world. They will all undoubtedly have high-minded speeches, interesting presentations, and potentially useful workshops. If you're going to go to any of these, let us know -- we'd love first-hand reports!

Business/NGO Engagement: How to create win-win outcomes (Ethical Corporation)
22 Feb. 2005 - 23 Feb. 2005
London, United Kingdom

Cairo 9th International Conference on Energy & Environment
13 Mar. 2005 - 19 Mar. 2005
Cairo, Egypt

Engineering Sustainability 2005
10 Apr. 2005 - 12 Apr. 2005
Pittsburgh, United States

13th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development (UNCSD-13)
11 Apr. 2005 - 22 Apr. 2005
New York, United States

Green Power Mediterranean
25 Apr. 2005 - 27 Apr. 2005
Rome, Italy

Carbon Expo 2005
11 May 2005 - 13 May 2005
Cologne, Germany

World Water Week 2005
21 Aug. 2005 - 27 Aug. 2005
Stockholm, Sweden

Comments (2)

Christopher Davis:

I'd like to also add the American Institute of Architecture Students national conference, which will be held in Cincinnati this year from December 27th, 2005 to Jan 1, 2006. The theme is entitled "Building from Crisis". One WorldChanger, Cameron Sinclair, has already signed on. We're also looking into pursuing Jimmy Carter, Daniel Libeskind, Shigeru Ban, Maya Lin and many others.


I would make a pitch that you include mention of smaller grassroots events.

One example is the 2005 Rural Tourism Fair which will be held in Oaxaca, Mexico a week from Saturday. The fair showcases alternatives travelers have in exploring Mexico's rural countryside.

Tourism is one of the most powerful and least understood "industries" in the world. It's our hope that in creating a small local event that we can stimulate others to create more events that bring travelers and locals together in a pursuit of understanding how sustainability needs to be factored into urban and rural development.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 2, 2005 1:56 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Win a Prius, the Update.

The next post in this blog is A Little Peek at the Future.

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