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Saturn's Blue Sky

While many of us at WorldChanging are ardent supporters of space exploration for good scientific reasons (especially robotic exploration, at least until an elevator is built), sometimes we have to admit to ourselves that part of why the Mars Rovers, Mars Express, Cassini/Huygens and the others are so interesting is that they can come up with some truly spectacular images. One of the most recent from Cassini is just jaw-dropping: the blue sky of Saturn, with the moon Mimas in the foreground. A small sample here wouldn't do it justice -- you really need to see this at full size.

Comments (3)


This really is fine to look at -- think the 'blue sky' would be actually the rings of Saturn. Moonlets captured nearby...


Well, read the story on this from your NASA link, and the blue is somewhat better explained there...

Jamais Cascio:

Well, yes. I didn't attempt an explanation, per se, only a reference, expecting that the curious would, in fact, follow the link.


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