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Bruce on Bag

The ever-interesting Treehugger managed to get a solar-power backpack into the hands of WorldChanging Ally #1 Bruce Sterling, now on an extended stay in Pasadena, California. Bruce's review of the bag -- or, perhaps more accurately, Bruce's articulation of the observations made by his daughter, who actually used the thing -- are, as always, amusing and insightful. Money quote:

Given that I have a solar-powered dynamo now, how about a backup server. too? If I had two or three petabytes of flash memory in a bag, I could backpack data storage for anybody who plugged in -- I'd be the Johnny Appleseed of voltage and memory. I'd carry a community on my back rather than trudging a dusty way to splendid isolation.

Don't forget the WiFi, Bruce. Don't forget the WiFi.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference Bruce on Bag:

» The Solar Powered Backpack from Croctech
Treehugger send Bruce Sterling out to play with a solar powered bag. But thats not enough for him. Given that I have a solar-powered dynamo now, how about a backup server. too? If I had two or three petabytes of flash memory in a bag, I could backpac [Read More]

Comments (1)

Stefan Jones:

How about a solar messenger bag? You could hang it or prop it in front of a window with southern exposure at the office and let it charge your gizmos for the trip home.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 8, 2005 10:04 AM.

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