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A Big Thank You...

As mentioned over the past couple of days, WorldChanging moved its server and hosting due to greatly increased traffic. The move seems to have been completed successfully. For all of that, a few thanks are in order:

First, a thank you to Laughing Squid for being WorldChanging's server host from day one. Reliable service, good support, and a great attitude towards people trying to make a difference in the world. We can highly recommend them, especially for artists and non-profits wanting low-cost, high-quality service. We were sorry to move, but our increased traffic meant that we outstripped even their largest-scale package.

Second, a thank you to Polycot, WorldChanging's new server host. Also providing terrific service, they have the added benefit of having a WorldChanging contributor as CEO. They'll be able to handle our bandwidth and server needs as we continue to grow. We expect a long, happy relationship with them.

And finally, a special big thank you to Polycot's Technical Director, Jeff Kramer. He spent hours with me making certain that every little detail of the server move was handled correctly and promptly. The transition resulted in no downtime, and was seamless for our readers -- all thanks to Jeff's able administration. Thank you, Jeff -- you rock.

Finally, thank you for understanding if we've posted less frequently this last week, been slower to answer emails and had a distant, preoccupied look in our eyes... as you can see, it really was us, not you.

Comments (1)

Yes, a giant thanks to Jon and Jeff! And a fond farewell smooch for the 'squid.


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 21, 2005 12:28 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Global Dimming, RealClimate-Style.

The next post in this blog is Why Upscale Hybrids Make Sense.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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