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We'd like to thank the Academy, and our Mothers -- We Won an Utne!

Wow! We just found out -- WorldChanging was selected by Utne Magazine as their 2004 Independent Press Award winner for Best Online Cultural Coverage.


Driven by a vision of progressive collaboration and reform, WorldChanging explores the democratizing potential of modern technology with sharp insight and unwavering idealism.

Thank you, Utne. And thank you, WorldChanging readers, for inspiring all of us here to do our very best to show that another world is, indeed, here.


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference We'd like to thank the Academy, and our Mothers -- We Won an Utne!:

» WorldChanging wins Independent Press Award from Weblogsky
WorldChanging.com just won the 2004 Utne Independent Press Award for online cultural coverage, which is a great honor for the growing team of WorldChanging bloggers (including yours truly), and for editors Alex Steffen and Jamais Cascio. [Link]... [Read More]

Comments (10)

Stefan Jones:


Daniel Johnston:

Well deserved! My favourite site, though that accolade is slightly less exciting.


Congratulations, Worldchanging deserves the big prize.

Arthur Smith:

Well done James and all!

Arthur Smith:

Uh, Jamais, sorry. And Alex, Jon, Jeremy, Emily, ... Congratulations!


¡Felicidades! ¡Y muchos Utne Indy Press Award más!


Congrats -- well-earned!

Miguel Ramos:

This is great news and may bring even more readers to this great site. WorldChanging is always interesting and inspiring. A well deserved recognition!


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 22, 2004 10:24 PM.

The previous post in this blog was Alternative Energy in Germany.

The next post in this blog is Dale Carrico on the Trouble with Transhumanism.

Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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