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Want To Use Hydrogen Now?

IDFuel has a nice write-up of some of the various currently-available hydrogen fuel cell systems. While you may not be able to go buy a hydrogen fuel cell car right now, you can buy home fuel cells to function as backup generators, and will soon be able to install a fuel cell system in your boat. Interesting stuff -- small changes, to be sure, but little bits of the future. The conclusion to the piece is worth reiterating: There is no need to feel like as one small designer you can't help in the transition to a sustainably fueled economy. There is no reason to believe that this future will arrive all at once, or in one giant chain of mammoth endeavors.


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» Alternative Energy Galor from Future Hi
Iceland geothermal vents In the wake of the very interesting discussion on Peak Oil last week I spent a couple of hours seeing what's happening on the frontiers of alternative energy. I found so much it overwhelmed me. Many countries around the world ... [Read More]


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