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The Architecture for Humanity/WorldChanging Tsunami Reconstruction Appeal

We've been working to bring you both useful information and insightful thinking on the unfolding tsunami disaster these last few days. But words don't house people.

That's why we teamed up with Architecture for Humanity on December 27 to launch the AfH/WC Tsunami Reconstruction Appeal. Our initial goal? To raise $10,000 by the end of the year.

Much to our delight and gratitude, the response to our joint appeal has been phenomenal. WorldChanging readers contributed far more than our original target -- over $25,000.

Which makes us think that together we can do even better.

This is an opportunity to do something big. As Cameron noted in his Fund Update, Architecture for Humanity and WorldChanging now want to raise $100,000 by the end of the year. Our original goal of $10,000 could build a school; $25,000 could build a medical clinic. But $100,000 can change the destiny of a town. As before, all money raised will go to reconstruction.

This last week has demonstrated that the WorldChanging community -- readers, writers, allies -- are not only smart and caring, but enormously generous. Please join us in taking this extra step in proving that another world is in fact here.

The WorldChanging Team

Comments (2)

WorldChanging posted on Bloggers without Borders way back in Nov 16 when the idea was first mooted, and there was talk of a Blogger Corps.

Just to update and to spread the word, Bloggers without Borders have launched : http://www.b19s.org/

By posting the worldchanging donation appeal (and other similar efforts) there, perhaps we could help provide more opportunities for others to channel their good intentions :)


I've been trying to find ways to help with reconstruction. I am trained as an architect, and am hoping to find a team that is working on the urban plan/redesign/reconstruction... anything really that needs to be designed. Whole cities are gone, and I'd like to help rethink them. If anyone knows who is doing this, please email me (I dont really understand blogs).



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