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The Effects of Global Warming

Once again, the Onion says it all with a handy infographic.

(My favorite: "A whole lotta biomes are gonna get all fucked up")

Comments (2)

If it were legal in Washington State, I would marry the Onion.

My favorite:

"World's population will turn against scientists, forcing them to flee planet several years earlier than originally planned."

A fun game to play: "The Onion or the New York Times?"

While waiting at the bus stop, a neighbor of mine would play this game with me. He would read a headline from a story that he just read that week (the one I remember best was when the House of Representatives renamed "French Fries" to "Freedom Fries" in their cafeteria during the build up to the Iraq invasion) and ask me whether it came from the NYT or the Onion.

I usually got it wrong.

What a strange world we live in...


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