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10 Point Plan For Security

David Stephenson wrote to tell me of his latest post on his homeland security blog (which focuses on "empowering the public, creative use of technology, win-win public/private collaborations yielding security and economic benefits, and protecting civil liberties"): "10-point plan to make security moms -- and all of us -- feel more secure." The list is a checklist of what a 21st century security plan should look like, with entries such as "work with existing groups, but also facilitate ad-hoc ones" (take advantage of what David calls "smart mobs for homeland security"), "call me on my cell" (take advantage of what I call the growing "participatory panopticon"), and "if you make us partners, also hold us accountable" (emphasizing that "fighting terrorism can't be an excuse for harassing neighbors...").

In the coming weeks, David plans to give more detail to each of the ten points.


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