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Watch the Fish

In other satellite news, the BBC reports about a proposal to put satellite monitoring data of fish populations online, to allow interested citizens to keep tabs on declining fish stocks, and to watch for signs of illegal overfishing of dangerously depleted populations. With upwards of 75% of global fish populations either overfished or fully exploited, a catastrophic collapse -- with enormous repercussions for the rest of the global ecosystem -- is all too possible.

Comments (2)

Emily Gertz:

What a great idea--not only the satellite, but also the EU making the data easily available to the world public.

Also, very reminiscent of the very end of Wim Wenders' film, "Until the End of the World"!


Please, can somebody explain. If a sustainable (plus a bit) amount of sea is totally off limits, why are quotas are still needed? Or, am I being thick?


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