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UK Shell Chairman "Very Worried" About Carbon

Energy company Royal Dutch Shell has had a rough year, what with overstating its oil reserves by 20% and being blamed for multiple deaths in Nigeria; it's not surprising, then, that the company's leadership is starting to take a long, hard look at the business they're in. Lord Ron Oxburgh, the recently-appointed British Chair of Shell, stated in an interview in The Guardian today that he's "really very worried" about human-induced global warming, and that "You can't slip a piece of paper between David King [the government's chief science adviser who said climate change was a bigger threat than terrorism] and me on this position." Shell (along with BP-Amoco) already invests far more money in alternative energy research than the American major oil company, Exxon-Mobil; we'll see if the new leadership is able to make a clean break with the past.

Comments (1)

Stephen Balbach:

This is great news. Of course, only %10 of the worlds oil is owned by corporations, the rest comes from Governments. Hopefully the corps will lead and show the way. Not exactly what the anti-globablists want to hear but the Corps are more able to adapt quickly then governments are.


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