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Describing itself as the "Iron Chef" of film making, Cinemasports explores how different filmmakers can combine the same ingredients for their own short (4 minute) movies. Oh, and the movies need to be shot -- and edited -- in a single day. Less, actually; the next Cinemasports event (in San Francisco) on Saturday April 3 starts at 9:30 am (when the ingredients for the movie are revealed), with a 7pm showing of the movies. Still confused? This trailer for the January event (.MOV, 5MB) might help. Or this one, from last September (.MOV, 10MB).

If you end up making a movie for the competition, let us know -- we'll link to it.

(Thanks, CTP at RecursiveIrony.)


This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 24, 2004 10:23 AM.

The previous post in this blog was RSS Update.

The next post in this blog is Technical Volunteers, Design, and the Developing World.

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