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WSIS and Open Source

A quick update on the now-ended 2003 phase of the World Summit on the Information Society. The International Herald-Tribune has a nice article on the the back-room attempt by Brazil, India, South Africa and China to push open source software as a key IT tool for developing nations.

Samuel Guimarães, executive secretary in Brazil's foreign ministry, told government representatives at the summit meeting's opening sessions that free-to-share software is crucial for the developing world because it enables poorer countries to develop their own technology instead of having to import it.

While the wording in the final document was watered down under pressure from the U.S. and Microsoft, momentum is clearly building for open source and Free Software to be used as cornerstones for progress in the developing world.

Comments (5)

In the Caribbean/South America, there's some work being done to solidify the LUGs in the region to assist in lobbying and development. One of the targets includes meeting the needs of regional ICTs... pro-actively. When the site goes online (something I have to get cracking on), we'll be harnessing as much inertia as we can. :)

Is there anyplace to read up on LUG and generic Linux activity in the Central America and the region? I've always dreamed to travel up there sometimes, to study Spanish and generally absorb the culture there and if I could help people there with Linux stuff (I know quite a bit in that area) that would be wonderful.


I have some resources available at http://www.knowprose.com/cglos.html . You may be surprised that there are a English Speaking countries in the Caribbean and South America. Language is somewhat of a barrier in some instances.

Jamais Cascio:

Thanks, Taran.

Thanks! In fact I'm not that surprised (they say that geography teacvhing is rather good here in Russia ;) ), but it's good to have a list of resources to peruse, so thanks again.



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