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What's Your Score?

Hey, USians -- do you know just how many pollutants, toxic wastes, and environmental hazards are in your neighborhood? You do now. The eco-organization Environmental Defense has set up a handy map site called "Scorecard," illustrating and detailing the latest EPA Toxic Release Inventory. National maps show concentrations of air pollutants, animal wastes from factory farms, clean water act status, and more, while community data breaks down by county just what sorts of hazards you may have around you.

Information about wastes and pollutants can be hard to find and parse, sometimes deliberately so; Scorecard makes digging up information about local environmental conditions if not exactly fun, then at least friendly. (Via MetaFilter)


Listed below are links to weblogs that reference What's Your Score?:

» Environmental Scorecard from jpreardon.com
WorldChanging points to a site called Scorecard that allows you to see how your community ranks environmentally. So New York, you want the good news or that bad news first? Well, the good news is, according to the site, New... [Read More]


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