Jamais Cascio

Jamais Cascio writes about the intersection of emerging technologies and cultural transformation, and specializes in the design and creation of plausible scenarios of the future. His work focuses on the relationships between disparate forces and systems, and the importance of long-term, systemic thinking, particularly regarding the environment and technological development. A recurring theme in his current writing is the importance of openness, transparency and flexibility as a toolkit for social and technological progress.

In March, 2006, he started Open the Future as his online home.

In 2003, he co-founded WorldChanging.com, the award-winning website dedicated to finding and calling attention to models, tools and ideas for building a "bright green" future. In his time at WorldChanging, Cascio covered topics including urban design, climate science, renewable energy, open source models, emerging technologies, social networks, "leapfrog" global development, and much more.

Cascio's essays on the environment, technology and social change appear in and are discussed by both online and print publications, including MSNBC and Salon, and have been cited by numerous academic and online writers. Cascio has spoken about future possibilities around the world, at venues including South by Southwest Interactive in Austin, Texas, FuturShow3000 in Bologna, Italy, and the TED 2006 conference, "The Future We Will Create," in Monterey, California.

In 2004, Cascio was selected as a founding Fellow at the Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies.

Cascio has worked in the field of scenario development for over a decade. After several years as technology specialist at scenario planning pioneer Global Business Network, he went on to craft a wide array of scenarios on topics including energy (for an industry think tank), nuclear proliferation (for a political research non-profit), and sustainable development (for a multi-client project). He is currently an affiliate at the Institute for the Future.

Cascio has also applied his scenario development skills in the entertainment industry, advising multiple television and film projects, and designing several well-received science fiction game settings, including Transhuman Space: Broken Dreams (speculating on the future of the developing world) and Transhuman Space: Toxic Memes (examining future popular culture and political movements).

Cascio lives outside of San Francisco, California, with his wife, two cats, and four Macs.

Send Jamais email at cascio@openthefuture.com